Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Live News From Haiti!

             The upset Hatians start to mount a revolt againt the unjust U.S. forces that are inhabiting their country. Their leader Charlemagne Peralte has gatherd some forces of his own and is now asking for forgen help as he attempts to defet the mighty U.S. millitary.Is Peralte just in starting this revolution? This reporter sure thinks so. Who are we to push our ideas on these people, who are we to destroy their way of life. As Peralte said "[The Americans] spread fire and forbid us to rebuild our wooden houses under the pretext of keeping the city beautiful." It is not the job of the U.S to micro manage all of the happenings in the western hemisphire. The counrtys in central and south america are more then capible of liveing on their own as they have for houndreds of years. Why is it now that we choose to colonize even after our Presidant said that he respects the soverienty of small nations. We still strive to be better then our European brothers but in that prusuit we have shown in ourselves what we hate the most in them.