Monday, December 10, 2012

30 day completion

My 30 day challenge was to make up early everyday and make myself a more nutritious breakfast then just my usual cereal and milk. The objective was to give myself more energy throughout the day. It didn't really have a large impact on my day and I think the reason is the fact that I would have to get up about a half hour earlier in order to make my breakfast. Therefor I am deciding to stick with my "sleep in and eat cereal" method. I would like to do a challenge again,but maybe one that doesn't involve getting up in the morning.I say this because the main thing I did notice in this challenge was my lack of will power when it comes to getting out of bed early.

Daily Routine VII

For the past two days in class we have talked about the Lincoln-Douglass debates. The class watched a video clip from a movie which depicted the two politicians going head to head with their different ideas. WE also learned about how when Abraham Lincoln was elected the states of the "lower south" receded from the U.S.